Assassin's Creed

(Part of Baldaek's Collection)

(209 total cards collected)

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Sword of Feast and Famine
$23.59 (foil)

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← Assassin's Creed Variants Modern Horizons 3 Commander Variants →

The Capitoline Triad
$1.92 ($4.60 foil)

Caduceus, Staff of Hermes
x1 (+1 foils)
$2.95 ($5.67 foil)

Distract the Guards
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Fall of the First Civilization
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.29 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Layla Hassan
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($0.31 foil)

Senu, Keen-Eyed Protector
$0.01 ($2.99 foil)

Tax Collector
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Templar Knight
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.90 ($2.12 foil)

What Must Be Done
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.26 foil)

Assassin Gauntlet
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Ballad of the Black Flag
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Become Anonymous
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Crystal Skull, Isu Spyglass
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.49 ($3.53 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$3.64 ($5.01 foil)

Eagle Vision
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Escape Detection
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Evie Frye
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.32 foil)

Leonardo da Vinci
$0.73 ($2.27 foil)

Loyal Inventor
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Assassin Initiate
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Chain Assassination
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Desmond Miles
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.25 ($0.72 foil)

Ezio Auditore da Firenze
x1 (+1 foils)
$4.50 ($7.35 foil)

Hemlock Vial
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Jacob Frye
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.14 ($0.34 foil)

Petty Larceny
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Phantom Blade
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Restart Sequence
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

The Revelations of Ezio
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Roshan, Hidden Magister
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Alexios, Deimos of Kosmos
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.40 foil)

Hidden Footblade
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Monastery Raid
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Origin of the Hidden Ones
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Overpowering Attack
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.40 ($1.06 foil)

The Spear of Leonidas
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.60 ($2.11 foil)

The Aesir Escape Valhalla
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Aveline de Grandpré
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($0.41 foil)

Hunter's Bow
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.21 foil)

Palazzo Archers
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Viewpoint Synchronization
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.25 foil)

Adéwalé, Breaker of Chains
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
$2.00 ($4.29 foil)

Arbaaz Mir
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Arno Dorian
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Aya of Alexandria
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.12 ($0.66 foil)

Basim Ibn Ishaq
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.90 ($3.34 foil)

Bayek of Siwa
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.20 ($1.64 foil)

Bleeding Effect
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Cleopatra, Exiled Pharaoh
$0.75 ($2.30 foil)

Edward Kenway
x1 (+1 foils)
$9.00 ($12.15 foil)

Eivor, Wolf-Kissed
$0.55 ($1.94 foil)

Ezio, Brash Novice
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Havi, the All-Father
$0.01 ($0.41 foil)

Haytham Kenway
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.34 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.68 foil)

Kassandra, Eagle Bearer
x1 (+1 foils)
$2.00 ($4.21 foil)

Lydia Frye
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Mary Read and Anne Bonny
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.20 ($1.21 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Shao Jun
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Shaun & Rebecca, Agents
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Shay Cormac
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Sigurd, Jarl of Ravensthorpe
$0.05 ($0.35 foil)

Sokrates, Athenian Teacher
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($0.68 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

The Animus
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.31 foil)

Apple of Eden, Isu Relic
$0.55 ($1.18 foil)

Brotherhood Regalia
x1 (+1 foils)
$5.50 ($8.12 foil)

Excalibur, Sword of Eden
x1 (+1 foils)
$11.00 ($13.05 foil)

Hidden Blade
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Mjölnir, Storm Hammer
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.69 ($2.85 foil)

Smoke Bomb
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.31 foil)

Staff of Eden, Vault's Key
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.40 ($5.02 foil)

Towering Viewpoint
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Yggdrasil, Rebirth Engine
$5.75 ($10.09 foil)

Abstergo Entertainment
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.75 ($2.38 foil)

Brotherhood Headquarters
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Path to Exile
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.55 ($0.95 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$1.00 ($2.40 foil)

Rest in Peace
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.79 foil)

Coastal Piracy
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.55 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$1.00 ($1.89 foil)

Temporal Trespass
x1 (+1 foils)
$2.00 ($4.35 foil)

Black Market Connections
x1 (+1 foils)
$6.75 ($10.26 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.24 ($0.92 foil)

Cover of Darkness
x1 (+1 foils)
$3.15 ($7.43 foil)

Fatal Push
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.50 ($1.65 foil)

Go for the Throat
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.45 ($1.15 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Royal Assassin
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.46 foil)

Cathartic Reunion
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.19 foil)

Assassin's Trophy
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.99 ($2.37 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.20 foil)

Reconstruct History
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($0.38 foil)

Sword of Feast and Famine
x1 (+1 foils)
$20.00 ($23.59 foil)

Sword of Light and Shadow
x1 (+1 foils)
$6.07 ($9.59 foil)

Plains (101) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.33 foil)

Plains (102) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.42 foil)

Island (103) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($1.59 foil)

Island (104) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.58 foil)

Swamp (105) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.64 foil)

Swamp (106) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.78 foil)

Mountain (107) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($1.06 foil)

Mountain (108) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.74 foil)

Forest (109) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.83 foil)

Forest (110) (Full Art)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.45 foil)
← Assassin's Creed Variants Modern Horizons 3 Commander Variants →
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